Saturday, August 2, 2008

Last Free Week...

So, this past week I have been in Lamesa getting my room ready for school to start. I never thought how crazy it really is to get it ready. I can't believe school is going to start in less than a month. I was suppose to go to Lamesa and work in my classroom on Monday, but Sunday night I made a trip to the emergency room. The doctor thinks I passed a kidney stone. I was hurting like crazy. So...Willie stayed home with me on Monday and then was off the next couple of days. On Tuesday we went to Lamesa and started on my room. Thank goodness I had him with me. He helped me out so much....Thanks baby.

Me and Mom came to Dallas on Friday morning. Lauren, one of my best friends, got married today and I read verses in the wedding. It is nice being here and I love hanging out with my family, but I miss my husband. He had to work this weekend and the rodeo was in Ralls this weekend so he didn't want to come. It's going to be nice getting home and sleeping with him in our own bed. Oh, and by the way, James and Kellie......that's just mean!!!!! I had fun this weekend!!!

I start New Teacher Orientation on Monday. Kind of nervous, but excited and ready to start. I get my first paycheck on the 28th!!! That's really exciting!! I do something for school every day of the month starting on Monday.

We found a house in Lamesa and hopefully we are going to be able to move in this coming weekend. That's going to be a long process it seems.

So, until next time...

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